For Parents/Caregivers who want to actively participate in their child’s program, The Greenspan Floortime Approach® has proven highly effective helping children on with developmental delays, like Autism Spectrum Disorders. With it, you can help your child improve their ability to build relationships, improve communication, and become flexible and creative thinkers.  You can gain insight and understanding into how your child progresses and grows into their best selves. You can learn directly from Dr. Greenspan and see how he helped 1000s of children and families.

The Greenspan Floortime Approach® is not one-size fits all: 

Step 1: Take the New Parent/Caregiver Course.

A child’s developmental profile shapes the sessions. Each one is as unique as the child. So you need to know if a child is sensitive, sensory seeking, or under-reactive/passive. You need to know what type of play the child engages with–sensory, object, symbolic or some of each.  The NEW Parent/Caregiver Training Course will help you understand how this applies to your child.

This course is broken down into 4 parts,

Part I: Understanding Dr. Greenspan’s ‘Big Picture’ Greenspan/DIR Model  (1 hour 30 minutes)

Part II: Understanding Developmental Evaluations  (35 minutes)

Part III: The Importance of Greenspan Floortime and How to Apply It  (2 hour 15 minutes)

Part IV: How to Get the Most Out of a Greenspan Floortime Program  (25 minutes)

This version of Floortime is systematized with a definitive set of techniques and principles that Dr. Greenspan himself utilized while achieving his groundbreaking outcomes.  It is the only version of Floortime available that uses a curriculum developed by him.

Step 2: Practice Greenspan Floortime at home.

It is important to practice Greenspan Floortime a minimum of 30 minutes a day with your child.  For  comprehensive results it is best for both parents, and any other caregivers, to do this 2-3 times per day.  Practicing daily allows for more rapid learning for the caregiver, and the child.  Using the free materials, like our Self-Reflection Checklist to analyze your session, will help refine your application of Greenspan Floortime.  

If more help is needed…

Step 3a: Sign up for video submissions and feedback from a Greenspan Floortime Master  Coach

Learning how to do apply The Greenspan Floortime Approach can be difficult at first when trying to apply various techniques and principles with your child.  Getting feedback and learning from a master trained by Dr. Greenspan himself is one of the most effective ways to do this.  

STEP 3b: Purchase the Print or Online version of The Floortime Manual 

The Floortime Manual-Print: will help you will be able to understand your child’s unique type of play that relates to their sensory and social-emotional profile and the related techniques. 

The Floortime Manual-Online: gives you step by step instructions for doing Greenspan Floortime. For information on both manuals Click Here

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Listen to Dr. Greenspan Listen to short audio clips from Dr. Greenspan about Autism and other topics on child development, such as behavior, diagnosis and interventions. Go to Advice